Endangered Species in Red List

Shows visualization of species in IUCN Red List


Live Feedback from Instructor

I met with my professor Sophie Engle over Zoom to get her feedback on the beta version of my prototype She helped me decide with modifications. Here are her main ideas, summarized:

  • Remove Filter and change single map to multiple small map which shows comparision between different countries and Taxonomy.
  • Adding details-on-demand interactivity in the form of a hover tooltip over countries would be helpful with details on count of Endangered species.
  • Change map to proportional Symbol map only if it looks appealing visually.

Online Feedback from Peers

Additionally, I received written feedback on my beta prototype from three of my peers in my class, in the form of a rubric on Canvas with comments for each topic (like visual encodings, lie factor, gestalt principles, etc.). Many of their comments helped inform what changes I should make for the final version. Here are some of their most helpful comments:

  • From Alex Wang:
    • Visual Encoding is fine as the color represents value of specie number.
    • The diverging color used well so that readers know immediately whether the situation for that area is severe.
    • The use of color, icons and overall design is really nice! Also the style is consistent with the theme.
  • From Aryan Choudhary:
    • The basemap of World is centered and is of reasonable size. The thickness of country boundary is good.
    • The details about the species count is helpful to understand the context.
    • The sequential color scale makes it easier to understand the visualization and which country has endangered species.
    • The description gives a lot of context for each data region. Interactivity and its guide help show how to interpret the data.
    • The ability to filter the data based on the species family is really good and the ability to get details on hovering will be very helpful.
    • The design is clean and organized. It seems a little boring because there is a lot of negative space.
  • From Parisa Hemmati:
    • Both prototypes are good and easy to understand


Tried to implement almost all suggestions from Professor and peers.