Endangered Species in Red List

Shows visualization of species in IUCN Red List


Data can be found in .PDF format on IUCN Summary website and was fetched on 10th April, 2020.

"This data is made available for public use and it's license and citation information can be found here"

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) 2020 - Version 1. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2020-1. http://www.iucnredlist.org. Downloaded on 10 April 2020.

For this project, merge more than two dataset, cleaned and wrangle data to create useful data for visualization using Google sheet

Files used are Table 6a: Red List Category summary country totals (Animals) , Table 5: Threatened species in each country (totals by taxonomic group) and Table 2: Changes in numbers of species from 1998 to 2020 (IUCN Red List version 2020-1) for the major taxonomic groups on the Red List which can be found here

Some quick stats about the data defined from the website are:

500+ Rows** 25 Columns Each row is a Threatened species 50KB CSV file size** Last Updated (at retrieval): April 10, 2020

Table 5: Threatened species in each country (totals by taxonomic group)
Column Name Description Type
Country: Names of Country String
Mammals: Number of Mammals Threatened in each country Number
Birds: Number of Birds Threatened in each country Number
Fishes: Number of Fishes Threatened in each country Number
Amphibians: Number of Amphibians Threatened in each country Number
Reptiles: Number of Reptiles Threatened in each country Number
Molluscs: Number of Molluscs Threatened in each country Number
Plants: Number of Plants Threatened in each country Number
Fungi and Protist: Number of Fungi and Protist Threatened in each country Number
Total: Number of Total species Threatened in each country Number
Table 6a: Red List Category summary country totals (Animals)
Column Name Description Type
Country: Names of Country String
EX: Number of Extinct species in each country Number
EW: Number of Species Extinct in Wild in each country Number
Subtotal: Total Number of Species Extinct in each country Number
CR(PE): The tags 'Possibly Extinct' have been developed to identify Critically Endangered species that are likely already extinct, but require more investigation to confirm this. Number
CR(PEW): The tags 'Possibly Extinct in the Wild' have been developed to identify Critically Endangered species that are likely extinct in the wild, but require more investigation to confirm this Number
Subtotal(EX+EW+CR(PE)+CR(PEW)): Total Number of Species Extinct or Possibly Extinct in each country. Number
CR: Number of Species Critically Endangered in each country Number
EN: Number of Species Endangered in each country Number
VU: Number of Species Vulnerable in each country Number
NT: Number of Species Near Threatened (includes LR/nt - Lower Risk/near threatened) in each country Number
LR/cd: Number of Species Lower Risk/conservation dependent in each country Number
DD: Number of Species Data deficient in each country Number
LC: Number of Species Least Concern (includes LR/lc - Lower Risk, least concern) in each country Number
Total: Total Number of Species in Red List in each country Number
Table 2: Changes in numbers of species from 1998 to 2020 (IUCN Red List version 2020-1) for the major taxonomic groups on the Red List
Column Name Description Type
Year: Year in which count is recorded Date
Mammals: Number of Mammals Threatened in that year Number
Birds: Number of Birds Threatened in that year Number
Fishes: Number of Fishes Threatened in that year Number
Amphibians: Number of Amphibians Threatened in that year Number
Reptiles: Number of Reptiles Threatened in that year Number
Molluscs: Number of Molluscs Threatened in that year Number
Plants: Number of Plants Threatened in that year Number
Fungi and Protist: Number of Fungi and Protist Threatened in that year Number
Total: Number of Total species Threatened in that year Number

Also came across API endpoint to access larger dataset from IUCN Red List. Token is generated and used to access data. Link can be found here.
Token was generated on 14th April, 2020. Now dataset consist of number of species endangered globally as well as based on specific to region. It also has species specific to family. Dataset now consists of a table which consist of Threats of Endangered species in IUCN Red List.


For this project, used Google sheets , pyhton script and tableau to wrangle dataset. Made a csv file which consist of merged data from above Table 5 and Table 6a files to create prototypes. From this csv files, create a Bar Chart of Regions and IUCN species count and also created json files which was used to create choropleth map visualizations Locally stored countries geojson file to create map in the visualization. Modified data from Table 2 into a json file to create Bar Race Chart Visualization.