About Dataset

For this project, we will collect data from Fire Departmemt.


Fire Departmemt

Today, the San Francisco Fire Department serves an estimated 1.5 million people, providing fire suppression and emergency medical services to the residents,visitors and workers within San Francisco's 49 square miles.


  • About

    Fire Calls-For-Service (The link) includes all fire units responses to calls. Each record includes the call number, incident number, address, unit identifier, call type, and disposition. All relevant time intervals are also included.

    Because this dataset is based on responses, and since most calls involved multiple units, there are multiple records for each call number.

    Addresses are associated with a block number, intersection or call box, not a specific address.

  • Data size

    There are 5.21M rows and 34 columns data. Each row is a response.

  • Data license

    "This data is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at: www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/"

    Click here to read dataset license informaiton.
  • Column Description

    1. Call Number: A unique 9-digit number assigned by the 911 Dispatch Center (DEM) to this call. These number are used for both Police and Fire calls.
    2. Call Type Groups: Call types are divided into four main groups: Fire, Alarm, Potential Life Threatening and Non Life Threatening.
    3. Box: Fire box associated with the address of the incident. A box is the smallest area used to divide the City. Each box is associated with a unique unit dispatch order. The City is divided into more than 2,400 boxes.
    4. Location: Latitude and longitude of address obfuscated either to the midblock, intersection or call box.

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