We Are Datalization.

We are a team built by CS Students at USF. This is a website for our midterm project and you can find out the original data we are going to use for this project in our dataset.

Our Goal

For our midterm project, we will use data from the San Francisco fire department to visualize what types of emergencies occur most frequently, and in what parts of the city. We will look at how many fire fighters are active at any one time, and and the average response time. With all of this data, our overarching goal is to answer one question: is the San Francisco Fire Department fully equipped to handle the multitude and wide range or emergencies that occur in San Francisco?

To do this, our first goal will be to create a visualization or set of visualizations to show the viewer exactly what it is that the SFFD (San Francisco Fire Department) must deal with. From there, we will come up with some metric to determine exactly how exhausted or low on resources the fire department is. Finally, if possible, we will attempt to visualize how the SFFD could be further supported, or how it could spread it's existing resources better.



In order to answer the question: is the San Francisco Fire Department fully equipped to handle the multitude and wide range or emergencies that occur in San Francisco. Our team will create three different types of prototypes with Tableau and implementations of data visulization with D3.js Version 5.

In terms of our data visualizations, we have decided to use the data covering the type groups of emergency call, areas where the emergency occurs and the response time that fire departments take.

Eventually, we want to use our data visualizations to demonstrate that if the amount of emergencies and response time increase or stay stable so that we can conclude that if the fire departments in SF need more equipments or not.

Our Team

We are datalization and we are a team built by CS Students at USF.

Ian is a second year graduate student, Kate and Jake are first year graduate students.

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