Visualization 1: ALS Unit
Artist: Justine Huynh
This D3 visualization supports the theme of quality of the SF Fire Department responses. Even if none of the patients require Advance Life Support (ALS), ambulances that carry ALS resources show great safety precaution in the event where future patients do need ALS. For instance, some ALS measures include tracheal intubation where paramedics insert a tube into the trachea (windpipe) if a patient has difficulty breathing. Another instance includes a paramedic performing Surgical cricothyrotomy (cutting through the skin and the cricothyroid membrane of the trachea) so the patient can breathe during life-threatening situations such as airway obstruction, massive brain trauma, collapsed lung, etc. All these life-saving techniques are far more advanced than basic life support (BLS). That's why medical units that have ALS units are a fantastic safety precaution that greatly increases overall quality of care.
Wrangling and Processesing Data
We filtered the data from DataSF to grab only the calls that occured in 2019.
and in San Francisco.
Then, we used Python to continue wrangling data by extracting only the columns
we need: Call Type, Call Date, Received DtTm, Dispatch DtTm, Response DtTm, On Scene DtTm, Station Area,
ALS Unit, Call Type Group, Unit Type, Location, Neighborhooods - Analysis Boundaries.
Python wrangling code can be found here:
Our new, selected dataset is here: FireDepartmentCallsSelected.csv
How To Read Stacked Bar Chart
The length of the bars indicate the number of calls. The yellow bars
mean the dispatch units did not have ALS unit. Red indicates that the dispatch
units did have ALS units. X-axis lists the neighborhoods, Y-axis lists
number of calls.
When the mouse hovers over the bar, users can see a nice table of 3
values: Neighborhood, whether the cases had ALS resources, and the number of cases. Tenderloin has both the highest number of dispatch units with ALS units
and dispatch units without ALS units. Presidio has the smallest number of
cases, indicating this neighborhood is either relatively safe or does not
call the Fire Department often.
Special thanks to these websites for their help!