Dataset Page

Information about the dataset and our handling for data visualization

Dataset: Fire Department Calls for Service

Dataset information:

Rows: 5.24M

Columns: 34


Relevant columns:

Call Number: A unique 9-digit number assigned by the 911 Dispatch Center (DEM) to this call. These number are used for both Police and Fire calls.

Incident Number: A unique 8-digit number assigned by DEM to this Fire incident.

Call Type: Call type, possible values as in the following table:

Call date: Date the call is received at the 911 Dispatch Center. Used for reporting purposes.

Unit Type: Unit type.

Number of Alarms: Number of alarms associated with the incident. This is a number between 1 and 5.

Neighborhooods: Analysis Boundaries - Neighborhood District associated with this address.

Response Date&Time: Date and time this unit acknowledges the dispatch and records that the unit is en route to the location of the call.

Call type group: Call types are divided into four main groups: Fire, Alarm, Potential Life Threatening and Non Life Threatening. Null type incident records in the dataset are still recorded because even if they are not categorized, those incidents were still SFFD's work done.


All the data warngling for prototypes are in the website user interface: filtered by date in range of 2019, and only the columns needed for prototypes are kept as groups; the data are grouped by call number, incident number, call type, call date, unit type, number of alarms, call type group, response date&time, and neighborhoods.