ColorIsFake Midterm

Chaitrika, Priscilla, and Eve's Data Visualization Site

Analyzing Difference in Transportation Time in Neighborhoods

This graph measures the average difference of time between Dispatch Time, when 911 dispatches a unit to the location of the incident, and On-Scene Time, when the unit reaches that location for each Neighborhood.

To conserve space and optimize the graph, the y-axis consists of the average time it has taken for a unit to arrive on the scene after dispatch during that month from 2012-2019.

Abnormalities in the Data

During certain times in the year one can notice rises or declines in the averages. Specifically in 2012 and 2019 there have been abnormalities in the data. For example, on Decmember 2019 there was the odd difference of -85.3 minutes, so in this graph compare the dispatch and on scene time recorded during that month and year and on December 2012 there was a significant rise in difference with fire related calls, here is the graph comparing dispatch and on scene time during that month and year.

Future Interactivity

  • Brushing and Annotations for dense data.
  • Timelapse for multiple years.

Data Wrangling

  • Removed None from Neighborhoood - Analysis Boundaries
  • Removed 2000-2011 and 2020 from Call Date

Peer Feedback

Based on the peer feedback I have received I have somewhat changed the layout and data in from of graphs. First I and many of my peers noted that the outfliers in my data are skewing my data and it is confusing and after further investigation, most of those outliers were typos and errors in the data. Another change to my graph is the size. Since I used a lot of data in one screen I overwhelmed many of my classmates with a large amount of rows at once. I think I would be best to limit my graph to the dimensions of the svg. Besides those changes I decided to try to implement a time lapse of sort for my graph since I think it will help me organize and condense the data. Also because many peers found the idea of implementing a time lapse would add dimension to my graph and would be intriguing to analyze.