Title: Fire Department Calls for Service
Publishing Department: Fire Department
Rows: 5.21M
Columns: 34
Each row is a: Response
License: Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 (PDDL)
Accessed: February 11, 2020
The dataset describes multiple observations for each 911 phone call that requires San Francisco Fire Department assistance. Each row contains information describing a particular emergency response to an unexpected or dangerous occurrence. Information included are: call type, time, location, neighborhood, response unit, etc.
Fire Calls-For-Service includes all fire units responses to calls. Each record includes the call number, incident number, address, unit identifier, call type, and disposition. All relevant time intervals are also included. Because this dataset is based on responses, and since most calls involved multiple units, there are multiple records for each call number. Addresses are associated with a block number, intersection or call box, not a specific address.
Columns of interest that we chose for our specific visualization theme are:
- Call Type: Type of call the incident falls into.
- Call Final Disposition: Disposition of the call (Code). For example TH2: Transport to Hospital - Code 2, FIR: Resolved by Fire Department.
- Unit Type: Unit type.
- Received DtTm: Date and time of call is received at the 911 Dispatch Center.
- Response DtTm: Date and time this unit acknowledges the dispatch and records that the unit is en route to the location of the call.
- On Scene DtTm: Date and time the unit records arriving to the location of the incident.
- Call Type Group: Call types are divided into four main groups: Fire, Alarm, Potential Life Threatening and Non Life Threatening.
- Neighborhood District: Neighborhood District associated with this address, boundaries available here.
- Location: Latitude and longitude of address obfuscated either to the midblock, intersection or call box.
More information on data wrangling coming soon.