Midterm Project

Fire Department Calls Analysis



For this project, we will be using Fire Department Calls for Service dataset. More information about this dataset and how it was used can be found here.

Our focus will be on particular neighborhoods or zip codes. Our team was interested in how different locations correspond to the type of calls. We will explore different aspects in respect to location. In specific, we are curious about the number of alarms, the time to arrive on scene, station areas, and the different type of calls. In order to make sure all visualizations follow a similar color scheme, our inspiration for color will be based on the Fire Color Pallete. In essence, the aim of our visualizations is to tell the story of fire department responses for various areas in San Francisco. Hopefully these visualizations will be able to help the Fire Department determine what steps they are needed to improve their calls to service.

About Team

CS Major, University of San Francisco
Expected Graduation: May 2020

Computer Science student, enthusiast and explorer. Cinematography geek, learning to do everything CS related from editing to visual effects. Love working with hardware, especially motorcycles.

Responsibilities for Alpha Release: Team/About, design.
Responsibilities for Beta Release: Prototypes "Call type VS. Response time".
Responsibilities for Final Release: Visualizations "Call type VS. Response time".

Dharti Madeka
CS Major, University of San Francisco
Expected Graduation: May 2020

I am currently enrolled in Data Visualization and performance engineering course and looking for full-time. A techno geek at heart, with a considerate interest in the graphics of life. Wanderlust. Easy going and the truest of Leo.

Responsibilities for Alpha Release: Home Page.
Responsibilities for Beta Release: Prototypes "Station Area VS. Zipcode".
Responsibilities for Final Release: Visualizations "Station Area VS. Zipcode".

Edmund Wong
CS Major, University of San Francisco
Expected Graduation: December 2020

I am a 4+1 Computer Science student at University of San Francisco. I have completed my Bachelors in Computer Science on December 2019 and will complete my Masters degree on December 2020. I am currently learning about Machine Learning, Data Visualizations, and streaming data. I am also always very enthusiastic to learn more about new tech products.

Responsibilities for Alpha Release: Dataset.
Responsibilities for Beta Release: Prototypes "Time Stages VS. Zipcode".
Responsibilities for Final Release: Visualizations "Time Stages VS. Zipcode."